Latest NEWS

AAP International will establish and operate a bookkeeping practical training program with leading regional LCCI and ACCA training provider, AEC Bilingual Education.
“Know Your Finance” Seminar

Starting a business can be an easy and hassle-free process. This Seminar has provided much useful information to help business owners get started on their entrepreneurial journey.
QuickBooks ProAdvisor and Client Appreciation Event

he key members of GAAP International were specially invited by Intuit Singapore to attend an exclusive reception held at Ion Sky on 8th Nov 2011.
Welcome to GAAP Accounting

GAAP was established in 2005 with headquarters in Singapore.

The inspiration of being Singapore largest accounting BPO (Business Process Outsource) was instrumental for the birth of GAAP.

At GAAP we recognize the fact that most SMEs do not have accessibility to real time data, accounting data and financial advisory due to costs. We also recognized the acute shortage of experienced accounting and bookkeeping professional in the market. Furthermore, the implementation of technology to leverage and outsource their accounting and bookkeeping functions are beyond their financial capacity and knowledge.

GAAP wants to bridge this gap.

By optimising operational process and deploying document automation technology, GAAP is able to consistently deliver accounting service at a greater speed but at a significantly lower

Our core competencies are: